BRTC stands for Bamboo Research and Training Centre. It is an autonomous organization established by the Maharashtra Forest Department with a focus on research, training, and sustainable development initiatives in the bamboo sector.

BRTC was established on December 4th, 2014, under Government Resolution No.Esst-2014/Sl.No- 64/Part-2/F9/Mantralay, Mumbai.

The vision of BRTC is to become a premier institute in the bamboo sector through research, training, and skill development.

BRTC focuses on value addition, research and development, and training and skill development in the bamboo sector to achieve its vision.

BRTC is committed to adding value to bamboo products through innovation and expertise to enhance their economic viability and market competitiveness.

BRTC's research efforts are aimed at developing high-yielding bamboo species and exploring sustainable cultivation practices to address challenges faced by farmers and promote bamboo as a lucrative crop for rural livelihoods.

BRTC offers cutting-edge training programs, including diploma courses and vocational training, to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the bamboo industry. How is BRTC recognized?

BRTC is recognized as a pioneer in the bamboo sector and has received prestigious awards, including the gold medal by SKOCH Group in Employment Generation and the GRIHA 'Exemplary Performance Award ' at the 11th GRIHA Summit 2019.

You can get involved with BRTC by participating in their training programs, collaborating on research initiatives, or supporting their sustainable development projects. Contact BRTC for more information on opportunities for involvement.

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